VIP/Cargo Charter Flights

VIP Charter Flights Africa


Chartering services to meet your requirements.

Prodigy Avia Solutions is designed to provide aircraft charters to meet your needs, whether it is for VIP flights or cargo operation. With many factors to consider, our professional team will quickly assess the most suitable aircraft types and operators for you, taking into account all the operational factors like the route to be flown and any time constraints for your project.

All of the aircraft we offer our clients are operated to the highest technical and safety standards. Using the latest technology available, we will match your requirements to the operators and then negotiate the most competitive price on your behalf.

Our intelligent search and matching technology saves our clients the hassle of searching through thousands of jobs, bringing jobseekers and recruiters together quickly and easily. In that fast growing industry environment, we are commited to provide suitably experienced professional staff to expanding airlines.

Contact us

Registered Address:  3rd Floor, 201 South Street, Romford, RM1 1TG, United Kingdom.
Operating Branch: Lakeside House, 1 Furzeground Way
Stockley Park, Heathrow, UB11 1BD.United Kingdom.
Phone: +44 (0) 208 212 7370